Tuesday, April 5, 2016

My First Interview

1. How did your friends react to your achievement?
They were proud.

2. How did your family react to your achievement?
They were proud as well. 

3. What was the most enjoyable aspect of working towards this award?
The best part was knowing I could receive this award.

4. What was the least enjoyable aspect of working towards this award?
The worst part was knowing about all the work that I had to finish.

5. Was it your intention to be given this award? Why or why not?
I hadn't intended to win at first, but then I thought that it would be best for me.

6. Looking back at all the work you did, would you do anything differently?
I would manage my time better.

7. What do you plan on doing next?
I plan on helping others work toward receiving this award.

8. What regrets do you have in relation to winning this award?
I don't have any regrets.

9. What aspect of working toward this award was the most difficult? Why?
The most difficult part was knowing there was a lot of work left to do.

10. What aspect of working toward this award was the easiest? Why?
The easiest part was the work itself.

11. What was the first thing you did after you learned that you were named Student of the Month?
The first thing I did was I wrote about it in my book.

12. Why do you think that you deserved/didn't deserve the award?
I feel I deserved the award because I worked hard and that I deserved recognition. 

13. Do you plan on continuing working as hard as you have up until being given this award?
I plan on working just as hard because I'm committed to my project.

14. How did you find out that you were named Student of the Month?
It was announced over the intercom during class. 

15. How important is this award to you in comparison with other awards you've won?
I feel that all my awards are equal in importance.

16. If you hadn't won, who would you have liked to see be the Student of the Month?
I would have liked to see my friend Marissa win.

17. In your opinion, how did your project measure up to other students' projects?
I feel that I succeeded more in my project.

18. What aspects of your project would you not change?
Even though it was exhausting, and I would get internally exasperated often,I wouldn't change anything.

19. Which aspects of your project are you most proud of?
I'm proud of having a huge impact on my peers

20. What was your inspiration for your project?
My friends were my inspiration for helping others because they often asked for my help.

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