Monday, October 19, 2015

Great Black and White Photographers III

Coast View Number One

1) Watkins's photographs caught my eye because they show nature in a different way that I am used to seeing.  I particularly liked the old feel of these images, because they remind me that these pictures were taken about 100 years ago. 

The Half Dome

 I see the ripples of the river, marring the reflection of the scenery. I observe wildlife drinking refreshing water from the stream. I stand in awe of the distant mountains, dwarfing the gigantic trees behind me. 
I smell the water on the fragrant leaves and flowers. I crinkle my nose at the odor of the filthy animals. I relish the scent of the grass and shrubs.
I hear the flowing of the water and the rustling of the leaves in the wind. I turn my head at the noise of a person walking on rocks. I hear the current of the fast water on my leg. 
I taste the water in the misty air. I eat the tangy berries from a bush. I frown at the bitter flavor of the stream water. 
I feel the rocks beneath my feet and the smooth water falling though my fingers. I shiver at the coldness of my pants against my wet ankles. My hair covers my face as the chilly breeze blows against the back of my neck. 
Vernal Fall

I see the green needle leaves against the blue sky. I watch the indigenous animals fight for the female. I  observe the small, medium and then large clumps of dirt falling from the cliff before a large rock falls. 
I smell the aroma of the leaves mixing with the dirt. I crinkle my nose at the unpleasant odor of the scat nearby. I enjoy the scent of the fragrant path of flowers nearby.
I hear the roaring of the water falling from the cliff and hitting the rocks below. I catch the sound of a deer walking behind me, looking for food. I listen to the songs of the birds high above my head. 
I taste the water hanging in the air, flavored with the fragrance of the leaves. I grimace at the taste of dirt in the water. I eat the sweet berry that grew on a shrub nearby. 
I feel the soft dirt underneath my feet and the sharpness of a splinter entering my hand. I push my sleeves up at the warm humidity surrounding the waterfall. I relish the feel of the warmness the sun brings on my face.

I would like to create a Prezi, or maybe a power point, to showcase facts, and my thoughts, about Carleton Watkins.

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